24 Hour Emergency Plumbing

Things To Know If You Have A Blocked Toilet

There are several occasions when your toilet may get blocked. Blocked toilets can result from a clogged pipe, tree roots, or even an oversized object that has been flushed down the toilet. Whatever the reason for your blocked toilet, it's essential to know what you should do to free up your pipes and retain water flow. In this article, we will explore some common causes for blockages and fix them.

There are a few different things that can cause a blocked toilet. One of the most common is when someone flushes something down the toilet that they shouldn't have. This could be anything from too much toilet paper to a toy. Another common reason for a blockage is a build-up of hair in the drainage system. If this isn't cleared regularly, it can eventually cause blockage. Finally, if there is an issue with the sewer line outside your home, it can also cause your toilet to become blocked.

If you're unfortunate enough to find yourself with a blocked toilet, do not despair! You can use several methods to clear the blockage and get your loo flowing again.

The easiest way is to try using a plunger. If the blockage is near the top of the pipe, this should be effective in clearing it. Pour some water into the bowl to create suction, then plunge up and down until the blockage clears.

If plunging doesn't work, or if the blockage is further down the pipe, you can try using a wire coat hanger. Straighten out the hanger and bend one end into a hook shape. Push this down into the toilet drain and wiggle it around until the blockage is cleared.

If you still can't clear the blockage, it might be time to call in a professional. A plumber will be able to use specialist equipment to clear the blockage and get your toilet up and running again.

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So if your loo's blocked, don't panic! There are plenty of ways to unblock it yourself, or you can call in a professional for help. Blocked toilets are never any fun, but with these tips, you should be able to clear the blockage and get your loo working again.

Blocked toilets are a common problem in households. Blocked toilets can be very frustrating to deal with, so you must take the necessary steps towards preventing future blockages. Below is some helpful information on preventing blocked toilets from occurring again in your home.

Firstly, If you have children, make sure all of them know not to throw anything down the toilet except for what they should be flushing! This includes toys or clothing, which could quickly get stuck and cause another blockage if used by mistake. Ensure that all items are disposed of responsibly - do not simply flush this sort of behavior away! It might also be worthwhile having frequent checkups on young kids when using the bathroom if they are misusing anything.

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